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New Year’s Resolution – Broken Already?

February 3, 2016

At the end of 2015 when everyone is making their new years resolutions I was struggling to come up with any that aren’t the usual eat healthy, get fit etc when this blog came into my mind. I realised that it had been quite a while, years in fact since I had written anything and so henceforth my new years resolution – write more blog posts, preferable once a month and due to the fact that it is now February already – already? what happened to January? it only seems minutes ago that the wife popped the cork and sent a waterfall of champagne halfway across the room – anyways I’m getting distracted, where was I? Oh yes, new years resolutions, I’ve broken mine already, oh well, maybe I can make up for it by writing two this month, what do you think? Or maybe I haven’t broken it, maybe my plan was to write them at the beginning of the month for the previous month? If that’s the case then I’m right on track.

So January, what happened in January? Well, I went vegan for a start. I took part in something called veganuary, where lots of people go vegan for a month. You can find more details about that here.


I said to my wife, who is already vegan, that I would do it for the month (be vegan that is, get your minds out of the gutter people) but there is no way I will be able to continue it full time, I love my cheese and eggs too much to give them up completely. Boy, do I have egg on my face, pun intended, as I have to admit that I was wrong, so totally wrong. My wife is already vegan so most of the main meals I ate at home were vegan anyways – she does most of the cooking. So, it wasn’t that hard to make the leap, being totally honest I didn’t really miss the dairy, it was a lot easier than I thought and so going back on what I said when I decided to take up this challenge, I can, and am going to do it full time, I am giving up dairy. Aside from the fact that it’s a lot healthier, and I did feel better health wise than I have in a long time, I can sleep better knowing I am doing my bit to help stop the suffering off animals. If you are thinking of going vegan yourself and/or want to know more feel free to ask me or click on the link above, it has lots of tips and recipes to get you started.

Another resolution I made was to take more photographs, more nature and wildlife photo’s to be precise. I finished my college course last year and haven’t done much since then so I have set myself a challenge to go out at least once a month with my camera. I went for a lovely walk around Barnes Pond near where I live and then along the river Thames and around my local reservoir. I had been told there were some Egyptian Goslings at the pond so I wanted to go and see if I could get any good shoots. Here are two of my favourite shots I took that afternoon.

If you want to see more of my photography you can find me at:

Vegan, gluten free sausage and mash

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